25 May 2009

Photos of graffitis

Planet Graffiti Photo Galleries:

18 February 2009

New World Guiness Record of Spanish rapper "El Chojin"

The Spanish Rap doesn't stop of surprising us, this time was " El Chojin", who in front of the cameras and thousands of spectators, he was able to suceed the old Guiness world record
of "pronnuncing the most number of sylabes per minute"

"El Chojin" rapped for one minute his song "Vo-ca-li-za" at extremmely fast velocity, and noone could understand him.

How could they count the syllables??, as you are thinking now, very easy, the judges recorded his voice with a computer, and later they played it slowly. At this way they can see what words was pronounced right and they count it.

Video of "El Chojin" succeding the Guinees record.