03 June 2008

Candid camera murder

We post mostly shocking videos, but this one is rather macabre.

Imagine this situation: You're going to the nearest postbox to drop in a letter, and just before you're about to leave, the postbox "spits" the letter out. You're obviously the victim of a common candid camera joke, where the actor hides inside the postbox to throw back out the letters people drop in.

Giggles and laugther are heard as we watch this TV sketch until, all of a sudden, one of the "victims" from this innocent joke, pulls out a gun when the actor throws his letter back out. He begins to shoot right away, aiming inside the postbox. The actor, hidden in the postbox, dies instantly. True? Mere fiction? It's a question we can't answer.

Please, people under age and sensitive people, do not watch this video.